Apply for Continuing Education Credits
IPHNA Procedure for Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)
1. Packets with the Procedure, the application (now a fillable form), a CE Agenda template and an example, a sample evaluation tool, a sample sign-in sheet, and the Illinois Nurse Practice Act Section 1300.130 are posted below.
2. IPHNA member completes the application for CE approval and signs the application to act as the host for the presentation. An application form must be completed for each speaker. The CE Agenda template form should be completed if you are requesting CEs for more than one presentation.
An example is included in the packet. An Evaluation Tool should be submitted with the application packet. The paperwork is submitted to the IPHNA CE committee chair. The chair will distribute to CE committee members for consideration.
If a member of the CE committee submits a request for CE credits, the application will be submitted to the remaining committee members for review and approval. The same process will apply.
Please submit all documents and application to Susan Karras -
3. IPHNA’s ad hoc committee reviews the request and takes action:
● The CE committee may deny the request and will send out a denial letter describing the reason for denial.
● The CE committee may ask for additional information. The CE committee may ask for stronger objectives. The CE committee may ask for revisions to the evaluation tool.
3. IPHNA’s ad hoc committee reviews the request and takes action:
● The CE committee may deny the request and will send out a denial letter describing the reason for denial.
● The CE committee may ask for additional information. The CE committee may ask for stronger objectives. The CE committee may ask for revisions to the evaluation tool.
● The CE committee will approve the request and will send out an approval letter along with
instructions for completing the process. Please allow 3-4 weeks for the approval process.
4. After approval of the CE event, the IPHNA CE committee chair will send, via email, a signed certificate to the host. The host can then add the name of the attendee to the certificate and hand out the certificates at the end of the training. The host could also leave the name blank and allow the attendee to fill in their own name on the certificate. The host is responsible for collecting an evaluation from every attendee.
The host will submit an attendance roster along with the evaluation tool for each attendee to the IPHNA CE chair or their designee. A sample program evaluation is enclosed in the packet and can be tailored to your training. Question 7 on the evaluation form will allow you to write in your goals and objectives so that attendees can evaluate the effectiveness of the training. Attendees should not receive a certificate unless the evaluation is attached to the attendance roster.
5. The IPHNA CE chair or their designee:
● Receives the roster of attendees and the evaluations
● Records all the data into an excel spreadsheet
● Maintains a file on each program with the roster of attendees and evaluations for a minimum of 5 years
● Prepares and mails/emails the CE certificates to the host for distribution to the attendees
6. The IPHNA CE Committee will be reviewing the following on each application:
● The number of hours requested for CE
● The teaching method
● The presenter and their credentials to assure they have education and/or experience in the subject matter of the program. ● The objectives to assure they are SMART objectives and are relevant to the course content.
● The course contributes to and enhances the advancement of professional skills and scientific knowledge in the practice of public health nursing.
● The mechanism for evaluating the program and the presenter by the participants. An evaluation tool must be turned in by each participant before they are awarded CE credits.
7. CE offerings are valid until the day of the training, unless it is an archived webinar. Previously approved applications may be reissued with current dates of program. New CEU certification will be reissued.
4. After approval of the CE event, the IPHNA CE committee chair will send, via email, a signed certificate to the host. The host can then add the name of the attendee to the certificate and hand out the certificates at the end of the training. The host could also leave the name blank and allow the attendee to fill in their own name on the certificate. The host is responsible for collecting an evaluation from every attendee.
The host will submit an attendance roster along with the evaluation tool for each attendee to the IPHNA CE chair or their designee. A sample program evaluation is enclosed in the packet and can be tailored to your training. Question 7 on the evaluation form will allow you to write in your goals and objectives so that attendees can evaluate the effectiveness of the training. Attendees should not receive a certificate unless the evaluation is attached to the attendance roster.
5. The IPHNA CE chair or their designee:
● Receives the roster of attendees and the evaluations
● Records all the data into an excel spreadsheet
● Maintains a file on each program with the roster of attendees and evaluations for a minimum of 5 years
● Prepares and mails/emails the CE certificates to the host for distribution to the attendees
6. The IPHNA CE Committee will be reviewing the following on each application:
● The number of hours requested for CE
● The teaching method
● The presenter and their credentials to assure they have education and/or experience in the subject matter of the program. ● The objectives to assure they are SMART objectives and are relevant to the course content.
● The course contributes to and enhances the advancement of professional skills and scientific knowledge in the practice of public health nursing.
● The mechanism for evaluating the program and the presenter by the participants. An evaluation tool must be turned in by each participant before they are awarded CE credits.
7. CE offerings are valid until the day of the training, unless it is an archived webinar. Previously approved applications may be reissued with current dates of program. New CEU certification will be reissued.
CEU Application Forms:
● 2024-25 IPHNA CEU Application (.doc WORD document)
CEU Application Forms:
● 2024-25 IPHNA CEU Application (.doc WORD document)
CE Packet
Continuing Education Procedures pdf
Continuing Education Agenda Template Word .doc
Sample Sign In Sheet Excel .xls
Sample Evaluation Tool Word .doc
Administrative Code pdf
SMART Objectives pdf
Continuing Education Procedures pdf
Continuing Education Agenda Template Word .doc
Sample Sign In Sheet Excel .xls
Sample Evaluation Tool Word .doc
Administrative Code pdf
SMART Objectives pdf